Dragon magazine 313
Dragon magazine 313

dragon magazine 313

The article continues by providingmany details on Egyptian tombs, or Emperor Wang-Li’s one. The article starts with a greatreview of tomb exploring lore in Egypt, or China, with rumored trapsor believed curses. (Interestingissue, mainly for the Tomb Raiders article) It could be a cool power for ghosts, no?ĭragon issue # 327 - January 2005 (tombs) SymphonicNightmare is a funny one: Disruptive music fills the target’s sleep,preventing him from resting. We often forget how malevolentthese can be …

dragon magazine 313

Interesting article, if we forgetthe cheesy biological explanations (gas nodes that feed on naturalgas, allowing it to be lighted and propelling it…). High fantasy and not really for RL, as these deities are not usually worshipped in the Plane of Dread.Īn article discussing dwarven strategies at war. (It is now what, more then three years after the fact?):Īn article of what Champions of non-human deities (Gnome, Halfling, Dwarf, Elf) could look like. In the “First Watch” section (for news and previews), there is a note on the return of Ravenloft and MotRD: (Issue with nearly no Ravenloft hooks, except for the Will-O’-Wisp) I guess he could have referred you simultaneously to table 8-1 (size modifiers) but that doesn't include the bonus on grapple checks, the minus to hide, or the natural armor.Īlso - you man we're resolving this, I've done to much research for you to just say 'nuh ugh it's up to the DM.Dragon issue # 328 – February 2005 (Paragons, Dwarves at War)

dragon magazine 313

I suspect you might be thinking of the table under the category 'big and little creatures in combat' in the players handbook page 149 which doesn't have any of the same information, the information there includes, 'creature size, example creature, space occupied, and natural reach.' There IS no other table with all the same information, that's the one and only table that puts it all together There's no good reason to believe that you would play by the rules of 'monster improvement' when using this 'template' instead of the rules of 'template improvement'īecause that's the table used for ability modifiers of all sizes. Grapple checks, lifting and carrying as per usual when advancing size via template.The strength/dex bonuses indicated there are only for improvement via monster improvement, (as opposed to character improvement or template improvement which are also specified as their own completely separate things) It doesn't say 'all' anywhere in there and the size changes would still increase it by template rules and not by monster advancement rules because it's a template not monster advancement. The changs in this template are in addition to the changes outlined there.

#Dragon magazine 313 manual#

See Table 4-2: changes to statistics by Size in the Monster Manual for changes to the base creature when it gains a size category. If the creature is of small or medium size, it gains a size category, becoming medium or large respectively. "the base creature's type does not change. Notice how it leaves out strength there, that's because if a template increases a creature size that strength bonus is represented in the template itself, being large in and of itself doesn't increase a creatures strength by 8, but a creature that advances to a large size by creature advancement does because otherwise it would have no growth to help it match up against players class ability advancement and a huge ancient direwolf would just be a direwolf with a bunch of hit points if they didn't grant it some sort of power advancement.įound it dragon magazine 313, page 96, half ogre, size and type It also specifies that when a template changes a creatures size "If a template changes a creature’s size, use Table 4–2 to calculateĬhanges to natural armor, Armor Class, attack rolls, and grapple bonus." Limits double those of Medium characters."

dragon magazine 313

It specifies in the monster manual (page 291) that the strength increase from size you're referring to only applies if it's advancing by increasing creature type hit die (monster levels), it even notes that if it advances using class levels or a template that it advances using those rulings instead, that strength increase is to make it so monsters that level up as monsters don't 'just' get hit points from leveling up.Īlso throughout the monster manual it gives you a variety of templates for various races as characters and every time you see something that's large it says:

Dragon magazine 313